
About me

I am an independent software developer, experienced in building CRM and ERP systems for 25 years, using various platforms.

Thru the years, I initiated some ‘side’ development adventures, based on ideas I had. These ideas were ‘there’ for weeks and months, until I designed them in details on a piece of paper. They always has something to do with improving my service to companies, my team infrastructures, and the CRM solutions themselves we provided. To mention few of these ideas: Building a WIKI to secure knowledge in the company; Building tools for automatic conversion between CRM platforms; Developing a process scheduler with various inputs, outputs, and an internal language for automation; Close to production’s day #1 of an ERP system where i lead the dev team, I designed and developed a feedback module for the end users, to let us know about problems, attach screenshots.

One thing is common to all these adventures: They all begun with an idea “What if we had a tool that….”. Then I would usually dedicate most of my time, to make that idea come true, without certainty that I am going to succeed, and without that development mentioned in any contract. On the way I had to design the tool from scratch, develop my own algorithms, and sometimes squeeze the abilities of the current dev platform to an extent. For many of these ideas, satisfaction and years-lasting organizational benefit followed the effort.

Hebrew CV

About GaziboTech

GaziboTech is the business name under which all of my independent work and initiatives take place. Thru the years I was hired by various companies, but for the periods I worked in my own business – developing products or working under contracts with other businesses – I always used the name GaziboTech. For me, that name associates with values we cherish in my family – such as creativity and family bonds. You can find hints for those in the circling icons in my logo animation 🙂

About SpoG

Since February 2021, I work on SpoG. It began just as any of these ideas.
SpoG is described in details in my blog, and it’s features are gradually revealed. As of September 2021, many of these features are already developed, and many others are still listed in my ToDo list.

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